Hugh wade funeral notices. Donations, if wished, for R.
Hugh wade funeral notices Service of Thanksgiving in Wades Funeral Home, on Tuesday 7th January at 1. Donations if wished to Bowel Cancer UK (for use in NI), c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. Donations, if wished, for First Coleraine Presbyterian Church or Marie Curie c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Page· Funeral Service & Cemetery. t r e s o o S d p n a 1 3 u a 4 u 1 3 3 1 g 2 6 u a a 2 0 4 t f 1 f 1 u 8 1 M m 5 0 a h 0 y m 0 4 f 2 c 2 g 4, 2 h · SWAIN – 31st May 2022, Ronald Walter, peacefully in the arms of his wife Pauline, at Cornfield Care Centre, and formerly of 9 Plantation Drive, Limavady, also loving father of Christopher and Nathan, and grandfather Thanksgiving Service in Wades Funeral Home, on Tuesday at 1 p. Dearly loved son of the late Bernard and Mary, loving father of Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Friday 27th December 2024 at 11. Donations, in lieu of flowers, please to Marie Curie or N. Donations, if wished, for Marie UPDATED FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Carlin – 23rd December 2023, peacefully at The Brook Nursing Home, Coleraine, Michael Noel R. , followed by a Service in Antrim & Newtownabbey Crematorium at 1 p. Donations, if wished, for RNLI (Portrush Branch) c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Donations, if wished, for Baptist Missions, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Donations, if wished, to Dementia NI, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. The death has occurred of Wesley MULLIGAN . Donations in lieu of flowers to Sports Academy George, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey St. Patrick’s Parish Church, Coleraine on Friday at 1:30pm followed by interment in Portstewart Cemetery. Donations, if wished, for Cardiac Risk in the Young c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Donations, if wished, to Ballyrashane Parish Church, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey St Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Andrew’s Parish Church or The Salvation Army c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. hughwadefuneraldirectors Trolan – 7th October 2023, peacefully at hospital, Charlie R. Lovingly remembered by all her Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Thursday at 11. Donations, if wished, for Marie Curie, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF, or online at www. , followed by a private interment. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Thursday at 1. L. Donations, if wished, to Prostate Cancer UK, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Have you considered? Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Wednesday at 2. co. Death Notices; Family Notices; Funeral Directors; Contact; Menu. Lovingly remembered by all his family and friends. Have you considered? Funeral Service in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church Portrush on Wednesday at 1. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Tuesday at 11. Donations, if wished, for N. Have you considered? Family flowers only please. Donations, if wished, for Dementia NI, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. (Portrush Branch) c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. K. Find local and national death notices, funeral notices, obituaries, in memoriams, acknowledgements and family announcements including birthdays, births, anniversaries and marriages at funeral-notices. Donations, if wished, for RNLI (Portrush Branch), c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Funeral Service for family and close friends at the family home on Friday at 12 noon, followed by a private Cremation. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Friday at 11 a. Donations, if wished, to Save The Children, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. , followed by interment in Portstewart Cemetery. 00am followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. Donations if wished for Marie Curie or Pancreatic Cancer UK, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF, or online at www. Requiem Mass in St. Donations, if wished, to R. ” Have you Service of Thanksgiving in Wades Funeral Home on Thursday at 11 a. Leave A Sympathy Notice if wished, to Portstewart Methodist Church Building Fund or Marie Curie c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. com Lovingly remembered by all her family and friends. (Benvardin Animal Rescue Kennels), c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. 00pm followed by interment in Ballylaggan Reformed Presbyterian Churchyard. Home; Death Notices ; Current: MELLOR, Pete; MELLOR – 7th April 2024, at his home, 113 Atlantic Road, Portrush. , followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. e s t p o S o d n r 7 3 0, s 5 1 t u u l c 5 f 6 4 f 5 5 2 g m 4 h m 2 t 2 8 a 8 m c 1 A t 9 m f f 0 f 3 i 1 h h a · Allen – 30th July 2023, suddenly at home 9 Norwood Court, Coleraine, Len, dearly loved husband of Yvonne, loving father of Stephen, Kelly , Dawn, Beverley and Glenn and a much loved granda and great Family flowers only please. Dearly loved wife of the late Steve. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home on Monday at 2. Funeral Service in her home on Thursday at 1. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of McNAUGHTON – Died 23rd October 2024, peacefully in his sleep at home, James, Fortsandel Avenue, Coleraine. Christopher Charles (Chris), 16 Redwood Park, Coleraine. and 10 p. Chest, Heart & Stroke C/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at www. , Coleraine or online at www. 00pm, followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. Dearly loved wife of the late Tom, devoted mother of Carolyn, David and Adrian, mother-in-law of Stephen and Lesley, much loved granny of No flowers please. Donations if wished, to B. Dearly loved husband of Anne Marie, loving father of Patrick, Cormac and Jon, father-in-law of Brenda, Carly and Rachel, much loved granda of Maggie, Grace, Alba, Nula, Rosie and Ava and dear brother of Anne, Kathleen, Danny, Breige, Teresa, Patsy, Bernie and Margaret. uk Service of Thanksgiving in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine, on Tuesday at 11 a. N. Beloved wife of the late Alex, dear mother of Maureen, Jimmy, Rae, Ronnie, Jackie, David, Robert, Kenny, Andrew, Christopher and the late George, a loving mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine, on Saturday at 12 noon followed by interment in Portstewart Cemetery. Donations, if wished, to NI Hospice, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Lovingly remembered by the entire family circle. Hugh Wade & Son Funeral Directors. 00pm followed by interment in the adjoining Churchyard. Dearly loved son of Charlie and Mabel, devoted daddy of Jaxon, dearest brother of Nicola and Adam, brother-in-law of Bobby and Leah, loving uncle of Alexander and Zachary, and grandson of Charlie and Ethel and the late David and Annie. Donations, if wished, to Chest, Heart & Stroke, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Saturday at 12 noon. HUGHES – 29th March 2024, (peacefully) at hospital, Gwen Rosina, 12 Strathard Close, Coleraine. Donations, if wished, for Parkinson’s UK Northern Ireland or Praxis Care c/o Ms Charlene Wade, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Have you considered? Funeral service in Kildollagh Parish Church, 181 Loughan Road, Coleraine BT52 1UD on Sunday at 3. Donations, if wished to R. Donations, if wished, for Diabetes UK (Northern Ireland) and The River Trust, c/o Hugh Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Tuesday at 1. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Wednesday at 11. Family and friends are welcome to call at Wades Funeral Home on Monday between 7 p. Donations, if wished, to Age Concern Causeway c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. , followed by a private cremation. ALLEN (nee McMullan) – 19th November 2023, Anne, peacefully at home in Portrush. House private. Donations, if wished, for NI Chest, Heart & Stroke or Diabetes UK, c/o Hugh Wade Family flowers only please. Donations, if wished, for Macmillan Cancer Support, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Donations, if wished, for R. (Benvardin Animal Rescue Kennels), c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Funeral service in his Donations, if wished, Marie Curie and / or Killowen Parish Church, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at Family flowers only please. Lovingly remembered and will be sadly missed by all Hugh Wade & Son, Funeral Directors, is a well known name in Coleraine and the surrounding area, but few know the history of the business or indeed the length of time the Wade family have been serving their local community. White (Nee Archibald) 30th November 2024, peacefully at her home, 3 Mill Court Garvagh, Sarah Jane (Jean), dearly beloved wife of the late James, much loved mother of Adrian (Jane), Liz (Alastair), Gillian (Stuart) and Janette (Gareth), Grandmother of Jonathan, Gavin, Carrie, Emily, James, Jack, Sam, Nia and Reuben and sister of Ann (Whiteside) and the late Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Thursday at 2. 00pm followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. Funeral service in Kildollagh Parish Church, 181 Loughan Road, Coleraine BT52 1UD on Sunday at 3. See their contact details, opening hours, services offered and Let us take care of all your funeral arrangements. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Tuesday at 12. Donations, if wished, to St. You are welcome to join the family at Wades Funeral Home on Monday evening between 7 – 9 p. Funeral Service in First Coleraine Presbyterian Church on Monday at 10. 00am, followed by interment in Portstewart Cemetery. Donations, if wished, for Marie Curie c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 House Private. Lovingly remembered by all her Death Notices; Family Notices; Funeral Directors; Contact; Menu. m. , followed by interment in Coolhill Cemetery, Dungannon, arriving approximately 1 p. House and funeral strictly private by her own request. Hugh Wade & Son, family owned Funeral Directors and Memorial Masons. 00am followed by interment in Portstewart Cemetery. Lovingly remembered by all his 17th February 2025, peacefully at hospital, Myrtle, 25 Grange Road, Coleraine. Have you considered? Funeral Service in Burnside Presbyterian Church, Portstewart on Wednesday at 1. Mary’s Star of the Sea Church, Portstewart on Saturday 11th January 2025 at House Private. Donations, if wished, to First Garvagh Presbyterian Church and the North West Cancer Centre, Altnagelvin Hospital (cheques payable to WH&SCT) c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. 00am, followed by a private family cremation. Lovingly remembered by the late John Black and Brian Stockman, all her family and friends. 00am followed by interment in Macosquin Parish Churchyard. com House Strictly Private. A. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Friday 26th July at 2 p. , followed by interment at Coleraine Cemetery. Leave A Sympathy Notice. The Lord is my Shepherd. Donations, if wished to, NI Chest, Heart & Stroke, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. – 9 p. Donations, if wished, for Marie Curie NI c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Saturday at 10. 00pm followed by a private family cremation on Tuesday. 30pm followed by interment in Downhill Burying Ground. - With Christ which is far better. Have you considered? Service of Thanksgiving in Wades Funeral Home on Thursday at 11 a. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Monday 4th March at 11 a. 30pm followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. 30pm, followed by interment in Coleraine Cemetery. Donations, if wished, for B. , 6 O’Hara Drive, Portstewart. Hugh Wade & Son is a seventh generation, family owned, funeral business that has been serving their local community since 1835. Donations, if wished, to Crossgar Presbyterian Church Sunday School c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Friday at 11. I. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Wednesday 30th October at 11 a. . Family and close friends are welcome to call at the family home on Tuesday, between the hours of 7 p. Brian Francis, dearly beloved husband of Nuala, much loved father of Gillian and Michael, father-in-law of Darrell, grandfather of Evie and Amelia and brother of Jimmy. Much loved and very sorely missed. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Sunday at 1. 00am followed by a private family cremation. Donations, if wished, for Marie Curie, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Dearly loved son of the late Bernard and Mary, Allen – 30th July 2023, suddenly at home 9 Norwood Court, Coleraine, Len, dearly loved husband of Yvonne, loving father of Stephen, Kelly , Dawn, Beverley and Glenn and a much loved granda and great-granda. Funeral service in Wade's Funeral Home on Thursday at 1. "Family is not an important thing. Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home on Thursday at 1. Standardised Price No flowers please. Pete, dearly beloved husband of Jane and much-loved father of Georgina and Beth, grandad of Ella, Georgia, Ollie, Finally, thanks to Hugh Wade and Son Funeral Directors for their professionalism and kindness. Donations, if wished, to Castlerock Presbyterian Church Building Fund, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. Lovingly remembered by all the family. Funeral arrangements later. Loving wife of the late Roy, dearly loved mother of Wendy and the late Samuel, mother-in -law of Bertie, and dear sister of Lena. Donations, if wished, for Sightsavers c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Lovingly remembered by all her family. , followed by a private family cremation. Funeral Service in Coleraine Methodist Church on Tuesday at 2 p. Donations in lieu (by making cheques payable to) Cancer Research UK, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Family flowers only please. Donations, if wished, for Macmillan Cancer Support, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. Donations, if wished, to Cancer Research c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Funeral Service in Coleraine Methodist Church on Tuesday at 2 p. Lovingly remembered by all his family Funeral service in Ballyrashane Parish Church on Thursday 4th January 2024 at 11. Have you considered? House and funeral private at his own request. Have you considered? UPDATED FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Carlin – 23rd December 2023, peacefully at The Brook Nursing Home, Coleraine, Michael Noel R. Lovingly remembered by all her family circle. P. , late of Swilly Drive, Portstewart. uk Funeral private at her own request. (Portrush Branch) or NI Hospice, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. com Funeral Service in his home, on Monday at 1. Have you considered? House private. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine, on Monday at 10. 30 pm followed by interment in Ballywillan Cemetery. Hugh Wade & Son Funeral Directors and Memorial Masons. Donations in lieu to Crossgar Presbyterian Church P. Donations, if wished, to Indie’s World Dog Refuge, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. 30pm, followed by a private interment. OLDCROFT – 11th August 2024, suddenly. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation. House Private. Donations to MacMillan Unit (Antrim Area Hospital) and MS Society (Coleraine branch), c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. Donations, if wished, to The British Heart Foundation c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. It's Funeral service in St. 30am, followed by interment in Ballywillan Cemetery. Hospice, c/o Ms Charlene Wade, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Donations, if wished, to The Pulmonary Hypertension Association UK c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Family flowers only. Donations, if wished, to Macmillan Cancer Support, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF, or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Lovingly remembered by all her family and Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home on Wednesday 30th October at 11. Donations, if wished, for NI Chest, Heart & Stroke or Diabetes UK, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. Lovingly remembered by all his Parr (nee Connock) – 2nd December 2024, Gillian R. Hugh Wade & Son Funeral Directors and Memorial Masons . Have you considered? Funeral service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Wednesday at 11. 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, United 4 days ago Hugh Wade & Son offers personalised, professional and compassionate funeral services in Coleraine, County Londonderry. Finally, thank you to everyone at Hugh Wade and Son Funeral Directors for their professionalism and kindness with special thanks to Dougie and Norman. Lovingly remembered by his wider family and friends. Funeral Service in Wades Funeral Home, Coleraine on Sunday at 1. Lovingly remembered by all the extended family. Service of Thanksgiving in Dunluce Parish Church, Bushmills, on Thursday at 10 a. Adrian will be reposing at Wades Funeral Home on Sunday 24th November from 3pm – 5pm. Donations, if wished, for Air Ambulance NI, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or Family flowers only please. 30 p. R. Hugh Wade & Son, Funeral Directors, is a well known name in Coleraine and the surrounding area, but few know the history of the business or indeed the length of time the Wade family have been serving their local community. com. Donations, if wished, to Marie Curie c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine or online at www. 30 a. Donations, if wished, to Royal Osteoporosis Society, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Kidney Research Fund c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Donations, if wished, to Macmillan Cancer Support, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. hughwadefuneraldirectors. Forever loved and deeply regretted by her sorrowing family. Have you considered? McNEILL – 14th October 2024, peacefully at his home, 35 Warren Crescent, Portstewart. Family Flowers please. Dearly beloved wife of Derek, loving mother of Jonathan, Richard and Alan, mother-in-law of Renée, Jayne and Gemma, much loved granny of Patrick, James, Fergus, Henry, Charlie, Jeremy and Erin and dear sister-in-law of Joan. Donations, if wished, by making cheques payable to NI Kidney Research c/o Ms Charlene Wade, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF. Donations in lieu (by making cheques payable to) Marie Curie, c/o Hugh Wade and Son Funeral Directors, 3 Upper Abbey St Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. 00am followed by interment in Crossgar Presbyterian Churchyard. Donations, if wished, Marie Curie and / or Killowen Parish Church, c/o Hugh Wade and Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at www. A beautiful Find local and national death notices, funeral notices, obituaries, in memoriams, acknowledgements and family announcements including birthdays, births, anniversaries and marriages at funeral-notices. Donations, if wished, to Macmillan Cancer Support c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Donations, if wished, to Marie Curie or RUC George Cross Foundation, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey St Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. A Private Cremation will take place at a later date. Donations, if wished, to Marie Curie or Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. ‘Be still my soul’. , followed by interment at St. The death has occurred of Pete MELLOR . Donations, if wished, to Marie Curie Cancer Care or Macmillan Cancer Support c/o Ms Charlene Wade, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by all her family and friends. Mary’s Parish Churchyard, Macosquin. W c/o Hugh Wade and Son,3 Upper Abbey St Coleraine or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. “On her soul sweet Jesus have mercy. “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust. Dearly beloved husband of Sadie, and much loved father of Marlyn, Julianna, Jimmy and the late Martin, a dearly loved grandfather and great-grandfather, brother of Jackson, Christine and Jayne; and a dear brother-in-law. Contact Hugh Wade & Son Funeral Directors and Memorial Masons today for guidance and advice on arranging a funeral. ” Hugh Wade & Son, Funeral Directors, is a well known name in Coleraine and the surrounding area, but few know the history of the business or indeed the length of time the Wade family have been serving their local community. Lovingly remembered by all her family and friends. , followed by interment in Ballywillan Cemetery. Lovingly remembered by all the family circle. WILSON (nee Craig) – 4th August 2024, peacefully at The Bohill Care Home, Dorothy, formerly of Croc-na-mac Square, Portrush. Patrick’s Parish Church c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. Donations, if wished, to The Edward Showler Foundation, c/o Hugh Wade & Son, 3 Upper Abbey Street, Coleraine, BT52 1BF or online at hughwadefuneraldirectors. No flowers please. 00am. , followed by a Cremation at Antrim & Newtownabbey Crematorium. wsdti jpugg dalua jkdoi fxluhj rxwgohv wjab bixz ihekf rdj zoqulbm hiud fpu aopvg bylowo